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Request for help with music vid for ZP!

Posted: Wed Oct 17, 2012 2:51 pm
by Zeebo Hellfire
Hi all

The London gig is once again being recorded, so Zero Pilot are hoping to cobble together a bunch of live footage to edit together with the recording to make a live vid-of-sorts. Anyone who can help us by taking some vid footage of Zero Pilot's set and then donating it for use in the vid afterwards would be very gratefully thanked for their time and efforts, and get a namecheck etc. Very much a DIY collaborative effort!

Oh, and for anyone who is interested, we are launching our new EP at the gig so those in attendance will be the very first to get the chance to grab it! (If you are reading this it is because presumably you like Kerbdog, which means there is a fair chance you'll like it!)

Sorry for the shameless plug.

As you were!

Zero Pilot